2016년 11월 24일 목요일


Attention to 3D Printing Technology

With the development of technology, nowadays people are in very comfortable lives. Before not having a car, people had to walk by their own foot and, before not having a phone, they had to directly communicate face to face. However, developed technology can make the situation reverse so they don’t need to do that. Among these revolutionary inventions, 3D printing technology is a rising trend in various industrial fields such as medical, education and manufacturing. Have you ever dreamed of making whatever you want? It can be possible with the use of 3D printing technology.

Processing of 3D printing technology invented by the company named 3D systems in USA in1984 is making an object the same as real after forming many layers of material with computer and putting together those into a three-dimensional object. Until recently, 3d printing was a technology unfamiliar to the public. This is because they are mainly used to make prototypes at the development stage in specific manufacturing. However, the reason why 3D printing technology has been spotlighted increasingly is because of the advantage of 3D printing that it is relatively inexpensive to produce a single item and can be made any shape freely. Due to this, it can be used in any industry.

Among various industries to which 3D printing technology is contributing, the first active field is manufacturer. On August in 2012, a professor named Behrokh Khoshnevis showed that using 3D printing technology make it possible to build a house in 20 hours in TedxOjai. The basic concept is that a huge 3D printer controlled by a computer stacks up materials like concrete. He said that building with 3d printing technology can be done at a lower cost and in a shorter amount of time, as well as minimizing the waste of materials, while existing housebuilding methods have many problems such as slow, inefficient and dangerous work needed. Streamlining complicated work flow with those merits, this can help solve the problems pertaining to a living space.

The second field is medical in which it helps save the lives of people. For instance, surgeons at CS motto Pediatric hospital of the Michigan University have transplanted a 3d printed splint to secure respiratory tract of the 18-month-old child named Gerrett Peterson. Like this, 3D printing technology more accurately reflect the patient's body structure and provide customized care for individual patients, as well as being able to produce faster and cheaper.

In conclusion, using 3D printing technology has an impact on various industries as well as being close to our lives. Also, 3D printing technology can not only increase the efficiency of production, but also act as a driving force for medical innovation, enabling the development of artificial organs and tissues. What effect will this technology with unlimited possibilities have in the future?

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