2016년 11월 24일 목요일


Attention to 3D Printing Technology

With the development of technology, nowadays people are in very comfortable lives. Before not having a car, people had to walk by their own foot and, before not having a phone, they had to directly communicate face to face. However, developed technology can make the situation reverse so they don’t need to do that. Among these revolutionary inventions, 3D printing technology is a rising trend in various industrial fields such as medical, education and manufacturing. Have you ever dreamed of making whatever you want? It can be possible with the use of 3D printing technology.

Processing of 3D printing technology invented by the company named 3D systems in USA in1984 is making an object the same as real after forming many layers of material with computer and putting together those into a three-dimensional object. Until recently, 3d printing was a technology unfamiliar to the public. This is because they are mainly used to make prototypes at the development stage in specific manufacturing. However, the reason why 3D printing technology has been spotlighted increasingly is because of the advantage of 3D printing that it is relatively inexpensive to produce a single item and can be made any shape freely. Due to this, it can be used in any industry.

Among various industries to which 3D printing technology is contributing, the first active field is manufacturer. On August in 2012, a professor named Behrokh Khoshnevis showed that using 3D printing technology make it possible to build a house in 20 hours in TedxOjai. The basic concept is that a huge 3D printer controlled by a computer stacks up materials like concrete. He said that building with 3d printing technology can be done at a lower cost and in a shorter amount of time, as well as minimizing the waste of materials, while existing housebuilding methods have many problems such as slow, inefficient and dangerous work needed. Streamlining complicated work flow with those merits, this can help solve the problems pertaining to a living space.

The second field is medical in which it helps save the lives of people. For instance, surgeons at CS motto Pediatric hospital of the Michigan University have transplanted a 3d printed splint to secure respiratory tract of the 18-month-old child named Gerrett Peterson. Like this, 3D printing technology more accurately reflect the patient's body structure and provide customized care for individual patients, as well as being able to produce faster and cheaper.

In conclusion, using 3D printing technology has an impact on various industries as well as being close to our lives. Also, 3D printing technology can not only increase the efficiency of production, but also act as a driving force for medical innovation, enabling the development of artificial organs and tissues. What effect will this technology with unlimited possibilities have in the future?

2016년 11월 15일 화요일


Three Actions for sustainable future

As everybody already knows, human have used a plenty of resources the earth provides us all the time. However, the more people are the more overconsumption occurs. This leads to depletion of the resources on the earth eventually. Therefore, we should have proper actions and exactly know how to use this limited resources wisely, while reducing damage to the earth. To do so, I suggest three specific solutions to ensure a sustainable future.

Reducing water is the most essential and basic part of our lives. Clothes we wear, foods we eat, places we live, all these can’t be made without water. However, because of constant use of it, it has been getting scarce. Therefore, in order to save this valuable resource, we try to find a way and it is to refine the water used. In case of South Korea, the government already has enforced the policy, “아리수”, since 2004. The process of the system is that, after extracted from Hangang River, water used is transferred into a refinery and then, with the system of water quality improvement, transformed into it available to use and supplied to the houses back.

In another effort to ensuring a sustainable future, we should try to be vegetarian. According the recent news, it says that modern people are getting overweight. This means excessive consumption of red meat and, due to that, it causes indiscriminate livestock of cows and increasing sickness such as obesity and adult disease. Even when we eat 1kilogram of beef, it needs 16,000 liters of water. However, instead of choosing meat, being vegetarian can be conducive to both us and environment reducing not only livestock of cows but emissions from the cows and use of water and being healthy to everything.

Decreasing overconsumption is also important because it is not too much to say that it causes many of these problems. With the economic growth, now people are in more stable and confortable lives than before. However, the increased wealth has spurred the people’s continuous demand for affluent lives. If we don’t reduce this consumption, it keeps going on making resources empty and scarce. Therefore, people have to do reasonable consumption to guarantee a sustainable future.

Until now, we constantly have demanded resources we need from the planet but at this moment, it is time to make return for a sustainable future. Sometimes, many people are not conscious about serious problems and even some are indifferent. However, we should be awakened. Maybe it is impossible to go back to the times but possible to prevent future from being worse by trying to restore it with these solutions that have a great impact on ensuring our sustainable future.

2016년 10월 24일 월요일



20142521 Hyowoo Lee

After watching the movies, have you ever recalled the location set in the movies rather than characters? Many people do so. In other words, the location is an important element in the movie. People who watched the movie Titanic may think that the luxury steamship Titanic set in the movie totally impressed them. The reason why the ship is the important part of the movie is that most of the story’s events happened in the location.

At the beginning of the movie, on the day Titanic makes its first voyage, one woman and man as the main characters first meet each other like destiny. After winning a trip on the RMS Titanic during a dockside card game for third-class, Jack, the poor and painter, meets the woman Rose who is in the first class and supposed to marry her rich snob fiancé Cal on the deck by chance. After that, they have a good feeling with each other and keep meeting. However, in order to cut off their relationship, Cal starts disturbing them. To make matters worse, during voyage, the ferry collides with the big iceberg and this leads to a lot of death of people on board at the time. As a result, Jack and Rose’s magical love puts an end.

Titanic in appearance is not only the luxury ship but the location which exactly distinguishes classes between upper and lower by showing its two-sideness. When the ferry faces the emergency, the upper class who holds between third and fifth floors on the its upper part can escape easily. Whereas the lower class, the poor or labors for the ship normally staying under the sea surface have a difficulty escaping from it in the situation or are ruled out from the list to be rescued like Jack in the movie. Titanic is an example of frankly showing all these aspect of America at the time.

It can’t be set in any other location because it’s possible only for Titanic to frankly show that there’re conflicts between upper class and lower class and meeting of Jack and Rose like destiny that can’t be done in reality at the time. Is this the reason why people set their mind to the location of the story set in the movie?



Kyle A. Brebner


6 October 2016

A Need For Geotourism in Je-Ju

These days, the Je-Ju island which is located the south of Korea is welcomed from many foreign tourists over the world because of its beautiful landscape, nature and traditional places. Thanks to this natural view, the local region is getting growing and helping to vitalize its economy. However, even though growing, it is undergoing several problems as much as it is. For example, sometimes some heritage or historic sites get damaged by people and some local residents misuse cultural asset for their economic benefits. For this reason, there is in need of geotourism.

One possible effect of geotourism is to preserve Je-ju’s nature and its own tradition. Sometimes several tourists keep continually touching heritage or historic sites in spite of a warning or they use pens to let others knowing they visited there. In addition, other people usually use transportation such as cars and buses that can be harmful to natural environment. However, if using geotourism, Je-ju can’t suffer from those harms less than before and also by walking around directly, people can enjoy real beauty that Je-ju has and learn how important it is to preserve nature.

Another possible effect is economic benefits for the local. Because of tourism, Je-ju which is continuing growing is helpful for local economy and gives many local people employment. There are some people who misuse those benefits for them but with use of geotourism, there can be helps for the other people who are unemployed more. Also, if the region is developed economically, it can give tourists more comfortable and easy tour during trip. 

Therefore, today as an famous attraction over the world, to be developed more, Je-ju needs geotourism which can be benefits for tourists, the local people and Je-ju all and more people can realize the importance of nature and keep it clean.



2016년 9월 22일 목요일


Hello everyone!
My first name is hyowoo and last name is lee.
I have lived in korea till now. Actually, I haven't used a nickname so far but have one which ,when I was in middle school, my english tutor used to call me. That was Cathy so you can call me it.
Now, I'm majoring English Literature in Sungshin University. Always feeling but I think that it's hard to study English including speaking and writing. Therefore, I think that I have to try to study more and more and also need direct experiences related to that language. To do so, I not only studied but traveled to various countries. Druing those trips, I experienced diverse culture and communicated with many new people. Experiencing something new always makes me feel thrilled. For this reason, I really like traveling around so much. Also, I like talking with new people and by doing so, I can get feedback from them and the other way, give them it so I think this class is right for me.

Thank you for reading my introduction.